Категории на прашања

Auto SSL Certificate (1)

What is an Auto SSL Certificate?

Basic hosting questions (8)

Frequently asked question about hosting accounts

Billing (2)

Billing Questions

Cpanel (6)

Basic information on Cpanel

How to setup server email (1)

How to setup up your email

Micellaneous (2)

Micellaneous info

Paypal (2)

Information on paypal

PHP (1)

Information on PHP

Security Tips (1)

Security Information

Setup your email client (4)

How to setup your email accounts to download your email to your computer. Using Outlook and Thunder Bird

Softaculous (1)

What is Softaculous?

Web Host Manager (WHM) (6)

Information on how to use WHM as a reseller

Популарни прашања

 What is Softaculous?

Softaculous comes with all of our shared servers. Softaculous provides an easy way for you to...

 Hosting accounts

Is a contract required for webhosting?No, a contract is not required. You can pay monthly,...

 Why can I receive email but not send email?

This only applys to clients who use a 3rd party email client like (outlook 2007-2010,...

 How can I get a Dedicated IP Address

Is there an cost for a dedicated ip address? Yes there is a cost of $5.00 per month with a one...

 Do you allow adult content or adult site hosting?

No. Starlite Hosting does not support adult content of any kind. Any account found hosting adult...

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